Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cindy Overton Davis

A memory came rushing back to mind tonight about Cindy. I was in the living room and lite a candle and the sent of the wax and the aroma of the candle brought me back to the 1970's, a truly carefree time in our lives. I could feel the basement and the scent of the wax and the candles, the silver vats that had water in them to cool the candles, seeing candles hanging upside down to dry. I was always amazed with the thought of her making candles. I wish I would of learned how to make candles, but I never did. I remember the year she gave all of us candles for Christmas, what a surprise that was, it was beautiful. It had many colors in it. I wonder how long it took her to make 4 candles. What a beautiful gift that was.
A memory that stays in the back of my mind.

I miss you Cindy, you are in my heart.

love Jude xoxoxoxoxox