Monday, May 26, 2008

Home Today

What a wonderful day it is today. I have off from both Uhaul and Chase Bank, I'm just hanging around the house. My goal is to spend about 4 hours on my house today, I have to do dishes, laundry, clean living room, take the trash out, vacuum and take a few things to the store the store room I have here at the apartment. I hope to get a lot done. I'm going to start later this afternoon. I'm actually looking forward to it. I don't know how one person can make such a mess, but I do, all by myself. I'll feel better when I get it done. Then I can pinsole my floors in the bathroom and kitchen, it makes it smell so nice and clean. I love my pinsole. I finally have to throw away my crock pot, it bit the dust, it is 20 years old, so I got a lot of miles on it. I'm looking forward to see all the new styles they have out now, that will be fun, I guess I'll see if Sandy wants to go with me, she is a good shopper. She looks and read everything!!

Well I have not received my refund from Caremark yet, they said they sent it threw. I call the bank they say talk to Caremark, I call Caremark, and they say talk to your bank. Now if it was there money that would be and unacceptable answer. My rent is due next Monday, I sure hope I get it by then. Are they going to pay for late charges, I think not, have they paid for my 2 overdraft fees of $34.00 each-no. You know I always say to myself, what is the right thing to do? I mean the people you talk to on the phone act like it's coming out of there own pocket, this is Caremark for gosh sakes, I'm just a little person, help me! I don't know what to do. What a mess.


I had to turn on the a/c on last week, and this week I had to turn on the heater, I don't know what is going on. Our weather is 14* below normal, boy are we thankful, the 110* are on there way I'm sure.

Hope all is well with everyone these days. Hope life is treating you well, and know your going down the road you should be right at this time. God has a plan for all of us. He talks so softly, you really have to learn how to listen. I think of all the people in the world that go threw life and miss God talking to them. It's such a beautiful thing when I hear him talk, or show me the way. What a wonderful person.

Keep in touch

much love, jude xoxoxoxo

Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Heart Aches

My heart aches today for a good friend, Terri, her father just passed away on Thursday. I just found out today, and my heart and love goes out to her and her family. It immediately brings back memories of my mother and fathers passing and the shock of it all. You think you will be ready, but you never are. Just know he will always be in your heart and the memories will never leave you. And then the time will come when you can live your life knowing you did the best you could do at that time, and just knowing that gets you threw. What a wonderful thing you did to take care of your father like you did, he must of been so proud of you and your family you have. We are all here if you need us, if even just to listen.
Much love, always

Jude xoxoxoxo

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Car Repair

5:04 pm

I had AAA come and change my tire this morning, to my spare that I have. Went over to Discount Tires to get my tire repaired, and came out of there with 2 new tires, a rotation and a balance for $150. Why is it you can never leave a car shop for under $150? That is crazy! Of course I need the other 2 tires replaced, so I go in 2 weeks when I get paid again. One thing for sure, I won't have to worry about my tires anymore for a while, thank goodness for that. So another life and times of my life, now we have it on paper...lololol

I'm coming down with something. My throat and ears hurt, I keep sneezing
and I ach all over, not too bad yet, but I feel it coming. I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately, my sleep apnea machine is down. I just ordered one part for it, I still need a few more, but at least I can 1/2 way use it when this 1st part comes. It's funny, I can't ever seem to get everything together at one time. I can't test my blood because Walmart is out of my strips, they will be in Monday! I ordered them a week ago. Of course I'm supposed to be monitoring my blood very closely this month for the diabetic nutritionist. Ha, so much for that. But I did get my teeth fixed on the bottom right, 2 teeth actually. So that is a good thing. I pick up my diabetic shoes yesterday, and they are wonderful. I'm so glad I got them.
It never seems I can get it all together at once, some of this, some of that, not all of everything.......WHATEVER...I'm trying believe it or not. What a mess. You know, I can only do what I can do, and I'm doing that.

I'm just going to sit back and wait for the next good or bad thing. I don't even worry anymore, because I know something is coming my way. The good, the bad or the ugly. What is a person to do?

I'm going to go take some Alieve and hope it Alieves everything I have.

I'll catch up with you all later.

May this note find you happy and healthy.

much love
jude xoxoxoxox


8:44 am

Couldn't sleep, so I just got up. I'm on my way to walmart to get some of my diabetes supplies and cat litter. I'm going early to beat the crowd. This walmart is like you crossed the border into Mexico! We call it Cross the border walmart...We are not being predigest, just speaking the truth, sometimes had to take, but true.

Oh I can't go, I have a flat tire, I forgot. Well I guess I'll call AAA, or try to get that stuff that goes in the tire to inflate it.

Ok I'll be back

jude xoxoxo

Week is finally over

3:57 am

It's finally Saturday, I thought the week would never end. I just got off work at the Bank around 2:30 am, trying to wind down, I think it's working! I'm trying to get some of my medical bills paid off and then try to get some money saved. I'll be glad when I can go back to one job. I just work Mon, Wed and Fri so it's not that bad. It's pretty simple, if I can't handle it, I quit the Bank job. I really like working there, I've always been able to fall back on a Proof Operator job when I needed to. I'm thankful for that.

Well I got my BIG ASS DIABETIC shoes today, they are so comfortable
it's just amazing. I have a black lace up and a white tennis shoe, it's like walking on air. My legs feel much better now, I go back to the foot doctor next Tue. I'm looking forward to giving her some good news. I'll let you know what her next plan of action is.

Sandy and I are going to the movies today on Sat, I'm taking her out for mothers day, we work on Sunday, so we are going out tomorrow. We were going to take Mason to the IMAX but that fell threw. Hopefully another time. I really wanted to see the dolphins and the whales. At the IMAX it would feel as if you are in the water with all the fish. Cool....

I still haven't had to turn on my air conditioning yet, it does get a little hot in the afternoon, I just start taking off cloths. So that is sight to behold, a customer service agent working for Uhaul at home with half her cloths on! lololol Just imagine that if you can...hahahahaha

Tonight when I got about 1/2 mile from my house, I heard this noise,
it kept getting louder and louder, next thing I realized I had a flat tire, thank goodness it didn't blow on the freeway!!! Thank my lucky stars. God just watches out for me all the time. So I'll have to get up today and figure out what to do. I hope I can inflate the tire enough to get it to the tire store. I have been meaning to get my tires check anyway, I guess now is a good time!!

I'm on my way to bed.

I hope everyone is well. I wish you peace and love.

Jude xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Can't sleep

3:52 am

Well I can't sleep, so here I am at my computer. I was hungry and I ate some sugar free brown sugar oatmeal. I don't get it, how can it be sugar free with brown sugar in it, I guess it's just flavoring, I hope.

For breakfast I've been making with all organic ingredients, a smoothie. Milk, vanilla plan yogurt, banana, apple and strawberries.
Blend it and add a cup of ice, blend some more, it's wonderful. I have that in the morning and then there is enough for me to have it as a snack in the afternoon. I tell you organic taste so much better. Try it, just buy the milk first and taste it, you'll notice the difference right away. It seems to be a cleaner taste to it. Well that's my organic sales pitch. Hope you try it and I hope you like it.

I've had to log my food I eat during the day to keep track of all the carbs I eat, I find out all I eat is carbs! So I have to mix it up a little.
It's been a wonderful thing this class for diabetes, it has helped me a lot only in 2 classes.

Sandy and I are going to take Mason to the IMAX this weekend on Saturday, the 6:45 pm showing of Dolphin and Whales, I'm so excited
and it should be so much fun. In the IMAX it's so real, it will be as if
we are right there in the water with them. I think it's 3D what ever that means. I guess I better look that up so I will know what I'm talking about should Mason as me "what is 3D". You have to be one step ahead of these kids when ever you can be. OK I'm going to be smarter than a 3rd grader for once. YAH!!!!

There has been a cat that has been crying out side my window at night. She starts around 11pm, so I go out with a can a food and she eats it and then she is fine. For the last two nights I have taken out food, last night she actually came up to me. I couldn't pet her, but she ran up to me. I watch her eat the can of food, to make sure no other cat comes over to start stuff, she seems to be the only one out there.
When I came back in and laid down in bed I prayed to God for him to send someone to help her, then I realized HE sent me! My prayer came true before I even prayed it, God is amazing!

Well I'm going to try to get some more sleep, I have to get up at 7:30am.

Hope you all are doing well.

much love, always
jude xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Me and my Diabetes


I had my diabetes class today, it was my second one. I've lost 3 lbs, I'm so happy. I learned today how important it is to keep track of my food intake, it's all up to me if I would like to feel better. I honestly went in for my diabetes ck up a few weeks ago, and I flat out told them I felt as though I was going to die, that's how bad I felt. I seem to be doing better now that my blood sugars are under control. I got my "deal a meal" out that Sandy got me 20 years ago, so I can keep track of my food much easier. You know Richard Simmons... I knew that thing would come in handy. I have 2 more classes to go to, and the instructor Sandra is teaching me a lot. I'm really glad I went. They also put me in compressed hose, you know the kind your grandmother I go get my 2 pair of diabetic shoes next Friday.
This will give you a laugh, I'll look just like my grandmother, compressed hose on to my knees and big ass black shoes!!!!! I told everyone I was going to were my house coat to bring my point across.
Me and Sandy can't quit laughing about it. So first I was may mother about 4 months ago when I went down the electronics isle and all knew was the calculators, had no clue what anything else was. It gets better, now I'm my grandmother who had diabetes also, I see her in the kitchen making biscuits with her house coat on, hose to her knees and big ass black shoes.....hahahahahahahahaha That is too funny. But the funny thing is my left leg hurts alot less with the compressed hose on, I don't know how it work, I know it just works. I'm am really thank full to my Dr's, they are really trying to help me out, and they really care. So that is the latest in my medical portfolio.
I go back to the foot doctor next week and the dentist, I'll let you know how that goes.

Hope all is well in your world.

much love
jude xoxoxo

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Me and the start of my Blog


This is the start of my own Blog! I thought I could share with you what is happening in my life, the good, the bad and the ugly. lol
I'm sure there will be more good than anything else. The start of a new beginning.

May this note find you happy, well and at peace.

much love,
Jude xoxox